July 18, 2024

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Worship Aid, download here

Regular Mass Schedule
Sunday: 11:00AM
Tuesday: 9:00AM
Wednesday: 5:30PM
Friday: 8:45AM
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM

Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM

Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.

To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Office, (206) 282-0223

What is happening during the summer?

Even though the summer months are slower, we’re still productive.

  • Partners in the Gospel*: Fr. Freitag, and Fr. Dominic, have arrived and are settling in.
  • The parish picnic is coming up: Sunday, July 28th, 12:30 PM
  • We will celebrate Mike Borte’s retirement & 66th birthday on: Saturday, August 3rd, 6:15 PM
  • St. Vincent de Paul: Stuff the Truck learn more https://www.stanneseattle.org/events/stuff-the-truck/
  • And last but not least: The staff also takes a breather!

May your summer be filled with blessings and joy!

your St. Anne parish team

*To learn more about Partners in the Gospel visit: https://archseattle.org/partners/

St. Anne Feast Day Summer Picnic

Get ready to soak up the sun and fun at the St. Anne Feast Day Picnic!

Join us on Sunday, July 28th, from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the school parking lot for a radiant celebration of our patron saint. Let’s bask in the warmth of our community spirit and share joyful moments under the summer sky. This special event is a chance for each of us to meet Fr. Freitag and Fr. Dominic and show our support as they begin their spiritual leadership among us.

Don’t forget to RSVP here

Here’s how you can contribute to our bountiful table:

  • Surnames A-H: Whip up your favorite side dish for about 12 people.
  • Surnames I-P: Sweeten the day with a dessert to delight 12 dessert-lovers.
  • Surnames Q-V: Top it off with hamburger toppings enough for 12, like fresh onions, ripe tomatoes, crisp lettuce, or zesty pickles.
  • Surnames W-Z: Get creative with hotdog toppings for 12 – think diced onions, tangy cream cheese, and more!

Please use disposable containers or label them!

The Church has got the basics covered – meat, buns, condiments, water, and lemonade. If you’re thinking of sipping something different, feel free to BYOB (Bring your own booze).

We need YOU – yes, you with the can-do attitude and the smile that lights up the room!

Here’s how you can lend a hand to make our gathering spectacular:

  • If you’ve got a BBQ and the skills to grill up a storm, we’d love your sizzle at the cookout.
  • Got an ice chest? Help us keep the drinks chilly and refreshing.
  • If you have a shade tent, bring it along! Let’s create cozy spots for our friends and neighbors to chat and chill.
  • Yard games are the heart of fun, and we’re looking for folks to bring theirs along for some friendly competition.
  • Join in on the setup or cleanup crew

Whether it’s for you, your loved ones, or friends, make sure everyone marks their calendar. This is one sun-sational event you won’t want to miss!

Pastoral Letter and Parish Family Announcements

Dear Parishioners,

We are excited to announce a new chapter in our Parish Family’s journey! In recognition of their dedication and service, we are promoting several of our staff members to new leadership roles.

Read Fr. Freitag’s letter

We ask for your prayers and support as our team embarks on these new roles.

In His service,

your St. Anne parish team

We’ve Reached Our Goal!

We are overjoyed to announce that we’ve met our goal of $85.670! We also achieved the highest participation rate in the last decade of St. Anne’s ACA! This milestone is a testament to the incredible generosity and spirit of our community.

To each and every one of you who have contributed, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your commitment to our mission is what makes all of this possible.

Watch the Thank You video from Archbishop Paul D. Etienne here: https://vimeo.com/922687065/793b87dc30?share=copy

For more information, and if you still want to participate, please visit our website at https://www.stanneseattle.org/events/giveaca2024/


Finance & Facility Spotlight

Join Brigid McMahan, our esteemed Business Manager, as she illuminates the latest developments in Finances & Facilities. This feature is your go-to resource for staying informed and ahead of the curve. Click here to read the latest update.

In Loving Memory of Jean Hushebeck

The transition team grieves the loss of Jean, the cherished leader of our team. She dedicated countless hours to serving others, sharing God’s love, and making a positive impact on those around her. Her selflessness and commitment to our church will forever be remembered.

As shown in the photo above, she was the center of our group. Jean is the fifth person from the right in the second row.

May Jean’s soul rest in peace, and may God grant comfort and strength to her family and friends.

In Christ’s love,

the transition team for Partners in the Gospel


A funeral service will be held in her honor. We invite you to join us in a service to celebrate Jean’s life and legacy.

Date: Saturday, July 20th
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: St. Anne’s Church

Jean Hushebeck's funeral reception

We are gathering to honor the memory of a loved one, and we need strong hands to help prepare Banchero Hall for the reception. If you can assist with moving tables and chairs, please join Jessica Harris at 6:00 PM on Friday, July 19th. Your help for just 30 minutes will be greatly appreciated.

Save the Date

Donating to St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County is easy and convenient, right here at Our Lady of Fatima Church!

Location: 3218 W Barrett St. Seattle, WA 98199 Date: Sunday, July 21 Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Your donations will be collected and sold at one of our SVdP Thrift Stores, providing financial support for our various programs dedicated to helping neighbors gain stability and self-sufficiency!

To view a list of items that we accept and do not accept: https://svdpseattle.org/donatetous/homegoods/

St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County thanks you for your generous financial support!

Week at a Glance

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 21
11:00AM Mass

Monday, July 22
8:30AM Martha’s Workers
7:00PM Communion & Liberation

Tuesday, July 23
9:00AM Mass

Wednesday, July 24
5:00PM Confessions
5:30PM Mass
8:00PM Dad’s Small Group

Feast Day of Sts. Joachim & Anna
Friday, July 26
10:30AM Coffee Ladies
7:00PM Mass in honor of our church patron

Saturday, July 27
3:30PM Confessions
4:30PM Rosary
5:00PM Vigil Mass

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 28
11:00AM Mass
12:30PM Parish Summer Picnic  – EVERYONE IS INVITED!


Judy Higgins, Jeanne Firth, Fredy Villa, Carol Heinicke, Liana Scott, Cheale Villa, Wynne Pierret, Alberto Restrepo, Beatrice Van Tulder, Maurice Krings, Roberto Clovis Silva, and Gabrielle Clune

Jean Hushebeck †

Antonie Van Tulder †

Pope Francis’ July intentions: For the pastoral care of the sick

“We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.”

Prayers of the Faithful, download here

Fr. Freitag, info@stanneseattle.org

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, info@stanneseattle.org

Director of Parish Operations
Jessica Harris, jharris@stanneseattle.org

Business Manager
Brigid McMahan, bmcmahan@stanneseattle.org

Communication Manager &
Volunteer Coordinator
Barbara Bumbarger, bbumbarger@stanneseattle.org

St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin, haustin@stannesea.org

Music Director
Charlie Hiestand, chiestand@stanneseattle.org

Parish Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM

General Info: info@stanneseattle.org
Phone: (206) 282-0223

The editorial deadline for the St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.