Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic

Are you exploring Catholicism and ready to have a conversation with someone on our pastoral team? We have people on staff who are eager, respectful and experienced with walking with others on their Christian journey.

Visitors are welcome to join us in prayer and worship on any given Sunday or to attend any posted community events. Hang around after mass every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month to meet parishioners and staff at Coffee & Donuts!

Are you exploring Catholicism and ready to have a conversation with someone on our pastoral team? We have people on staff who are eager, respectful and experienced with walking with others on their Christian journey. Let’s get to know each other! The process to become Catholic a person starts the Ritual for Christian Initiation for Adults, or “RCIA”. We routinely start new RCIA groups. These groups are open for any person who is not yet fully Catholic and wishes to explore celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.