April 29, 2024

Annual Catholic Appeal 2024

ACA 2024

Thank you to all who continue to give generously to the Annual Catholic Appeal as well as through your prayers and participation in ministry and mission of St. Anne’s. Your efforts make so many things possible for our parish and the wider church throughout Western Washington.

Your gift can either be a one-time gift or given in installments throughout this next year.

We invite you, once you have pledged to make your gift, to submit a vote for one of the following three projects:

1. A campus-wide initiative to update our clear glass windows and frames to be more energy efficient. Part of the rebate money would go to support the school’s windows being replaced in addition to the church’s windows. The windows in the church and office spaces have never been replaced since St. Anne’s expanded across Lee Street in 1962.

2. Installing a heating control/thermostat system in the church. We have a working boiler and compressor, but the control system is inefficient. We currently do not have a thermostat, and this has led to difficult-to-control temperatures in the church space and a waste of heat throughout the winter months.

3. Making some roof repairs to ensure it stays in good health, as it is 17 years old. Each winter, the roof has areas of standing water, which we currently pump off. We’d like to add additional drains, as well as make some patches, to ensure the roof has as long a life as possible.