November 15, 2024

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bulletin for Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Confession at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Monday to Friday: 7:30 – 8:00AM & 11:00 – 11:50AM
Sunday: 8:30 – 9:30AM

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tuesdays after 12PM Mass


Confession at St. Anne 
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM

Rosary at St. Anne
Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.

St. Anne Worship Aid, download here


To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Offices, SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

Parish Life of Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Dear Readers, Parishioners from Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne,

Each of us is endowed with unique gifts and treasures, not merely for our own benefit, but to share generously with others. In this spirit of giving, we are called to recognize the abundance in our lives and to act from a place of gratitude rather than scarcity. The scarcity mindset, which tells us there is never enough, can harden our hearts and close us off from the joy of giving. It fosters fear and selfishness, making us cling tightly to what we have. But Jesus teaches us that true wealth is found in the act of sharing. When we give freely, we open our hearts to God’s grace and experience the fullness of His love. Let us challenge ourselves to move beyond the fear of scarcity. Together, let us use our God-given gifts to uplift one another and build a stronger, more compassionate parish. May we always remember that in giving, we receive, and in sharing, we find true joy. If you want to share your talents and time with us, please reach out to

If you haven’t had the opportunity to give before or don’t give regularly, now is a wonderful time to start. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. To support your parish financially use the giving links or drop a stewardship card in the collection basket of your parish.

Give to Sacred Heart Parish

Give to St. Anne Parish

The contributions you make will remain within the parish where they are given.

Barbara Bumbarger for the Parish Family Team

Bulletin from our Partner Parish Our Lady of Fatima

33rd Week Mass Schedule & Mass Intentions

Sat 11/16 5:00PM


St. Anne – Vigil

Our Lady of Fatima – Vigil

For our Parishioners


Sun 11/17 9:00AM




Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus

For our Parishioners

Fr. Steve Wilson † 




Mon 11/18



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Tue 11/19



St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Wed 11/20



Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Thu 11/21



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fri 11/22




St. Anne

Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Upcoming Mass Times

Thanksgiving 11/28 9:00AM



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Facilities Up-Date

Dear Parishioners,

In my new role as Director of Operations at Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne Parishes, it has been a pleasure meeting some of you over the past month. I look forward to meeting more of you soon as I begin to understand the immediate and long-term needs of each parish.

Mark Abadir, Director of Operations

1. Starting November 20, work on the church doors and the replacement of the keycard system at St. Anne is scheduled to begin. They will be replacing one door system at a time, and parts are still en route, so we do not have a completion date at this time.

2. The two leaf clean-ups at St. Anne were successful. Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who helped make it happen.

3. The pulley system for banners on the west side of the church and the light above the choir in St. Anne Church have been fixed.

4. The light in the southwest corner of Sacred Heart Church parking lot has been repaired.

5. The broken window in the Sacred Heart bathroom has been replaced.

6. The fridge at the QA Food Bank has been repaired.

Save the Dates


At the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Location

Sundays Choir Practice 9:15AM

First Communion Preparation 1:00 – 2:00PM

Baptism Class: Every 1st Sunday of the month 2:30 – 3:30PM

Coffee & Donuts: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month

Saturdays Youth Faith Formation 10:45 – 11:45AM


At the St. Anne Church Location

Sundays Choir Practice 12:30PM
Mondays Martha’s Workers at 8:30AM

Communion & Liberation 7PM

Wednesdays Dad’s Small Group 8PM
Thursdays OCIA Order of Christian Initiation of Adults 6:30PM
Fridays Coffee Ladies: Every 2nd Friday 9:30AM & every 4th Friday of the month 10:30AM in the Assembly room

Children Christmas Choir

Hello Families!

The Christmas holidays are going to be here sooner than you think.

Are you planning on being at the 4:00PM Christmas Eve Mass at St. Anne?

Do you have a child or children in grades 2nd-8th?

If yes to both questions, then why not have your child participate in the celebration at St. Anne?

The only requirements are that your child is in grades 2nd-8th, can read, and be at all rehearsals unless they are sick.

Go here to learn more about the choir and the rehearsal times.


Finance Spotlight

Dear Parishioners of St. Anne,

Last week we heard Fr. Freitag speak about the joy received when giving in gratitude. When I spoke to you a few weeks ago, I asked that if St. Anne’s has been a place of belonging for you, to please participate in our stewardship renewal. Someone once described this request as: “God asks us to trust that the one who has given us every good thing will not hold back from us in our need.” Hopefully, like the widows from last week’s readings, we are able to find the courage to trust in Him so that together we are able to shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. The joy and blessings you have received from God can be shared and increased amongst the community if, through your support, we are able to continue to grow our programming at St. Anne’s.

Give to St. Anne Parish

Thank you for your participation in this important work,

Brigid McMahan, Director of Finance

Go here to learn in more detail about our donations and finances at St. Anne.

Where are we currently with our financials?

In the fall we have some of our biggest expenses come through – such as the contributions to the Archdiocese, the property and liability bill, and our property tax. Not to mention we have a $25,000 quote to replace the door system later this month. These expenses also come at a time when the giving has tapered off during the summer and towards the end of the year.

As of October 31, we are $70,623 behind expected donations so far this fiscal year.

Summary of October revenue and expenses*:

  • Stewardship (cash, envelopes, online, holy days, etc.): $50,495.52
  • + Other Revenue (candles, flowers, etc.): $3,060.64
  • = Total REVENUE for the month of October: $53,556.16
  • Less Total EXPENSES for the month of October: $57,723.14
  • Net Income (or -Loss) for the month of October: (-$4,166.98)

*we have shared parish family expenses that are settled each quarter that are not reflected above


Thank you: St. Anne Leaf clean-up!

A huge shoutout to the campus clean-up crew for their incredible dedication and hard work in keeping the campus pristine. Removing leaves throughout the entire month is no small feat, and their efforts have truly made a difference. Thank you for making our campus a more beautiful place!

St. Anne School News

You can find all the latest school news right here.

We pray for

We offer our heartfelt prayers for those whom the Lord has called home.

We pray for all sick and homebound parishioners. names prayers for the sick

During the month of November, we offer our prayers for the Souls whose names are in our Books of the Dead.


Pope Francis’ November intentions: For anyone who has lost a child

“We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.”

St. Anne Prayers of the Faithful, download here.

Fr. Freitag, or

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, or

Pastoral Associate
Deacon Angus McDonell,

Director of Parish Operations
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Mark Abadir,

Director of Evangelization
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Jessica Harris,

Director of Finance
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Brigid McMahan,

Director of Communications
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Barbara Bumbarger,

Music Director
Charlie Hiestand,

Music Director
Clint Chan,

St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin,

Parish Office Hours Parish Office Hours for Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne 
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM

To visit the SHJ parish office in person, please schedule an appointment.

General Info: or
Phone: SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

The editorial deadline for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.

Images included in the bulletin are not necessarily representative of parishioners or parish locations.