November 8, 2024

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bulletin for Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Confession at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Monday to Friday: 7:30 – 8:00AM & 11:00 – 11:50AM
Sunday: 8:30 – 9:30AM

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tuesdays after 12PM Mass


Confession at St. Anne 
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM

Rosary at St. Anne
Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.

St. Anne Worship Aid, download here


To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Offices, SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

Parish Life of Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Dear Readers, Parishioners from Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne,

Last Sunday, we switched to wintertime. As the year quickly comes to an end, I find myself unprepared for the cold and dark season ahead.

I fondly remember the joy of visiting the farmers market at the end of summer, choosing from a variety of fruits and vegetables like grapes, cabbages, salads, apples, pears, and mushrooms.

Now, the selection of fresh, local produce is dwindling. It’s a good time to freeze or preserve some of these treasures. A jar of homemade jam or a cake made with frozen plums can bring back memories of warm summer days.

What helps me get through the cold, dark season? Have I gathered “sun rays, colors, and words” throughout the year? I imagine a beautiful basket, my “basket” filled with uplifting and strengthening moments: a friendly smile at the supermarket, birdsong in the morning, a good conversation with a loved one, the joy of singing with others, gratitude for my family and home, wonderful vacation experiences, and a prayer that touched me. These are all in my “basket.”

I wish you many moments in the coming months where the “sun rays, colors, words, and melodies” of summer shine through and carry you through dark times.

Barbara Bumbarger for the Parish Family Team

If you feel reminded of the many blessings you have received, you might feel the urge to share your treasures with others. If you haven’t had the opportunity to give before or don’t give regularly, now is a wonderful time to start. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact.

To give, visit our websites, follow the links,

or drop a stewardship card in the collection basket of your parish.

Give to Sacred Heart Parish

Give to St. Anne Parish

The contributions you make will remain within the parish where they are given.

Bulletin from our Partner Parish Our Lady of Fatima

32nd Week Mass Schedule & Mass Intentions

Sat 11/09 5:00PM


St. Anne – Vigil

Our Lady of Fatima – Vigil

For our Parishioners


Sun 11/10 9:00AM




Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus

For our Parishioners

For the deceased Legionaries



Mon 11/11



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus


Thanksgiving for Blessing

Tue 11/12



St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus



Wed 11/13



Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Thu 11/14



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fri 11/15




St. Anne

Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Thanksgiving Mass Times

Thanksgiving 11/28 9:00AM



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Dates to Know


At the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Location

Saturdays Youth Faith Formation 10:45 – 11:45AM
Sundays Choir Practice 9:15AM

First Communion Preparation 1:00 – 2:00PM

Baptism Class: Every 1st Sunday of the month 2:30 – 3:30PM

Coffee & Donuts: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month


At the St. Anne Church Location

Saturday, November 9 Fall Campus Clean-Up
Sundays Choir Practice 12:30PM
Mondays Martha’s Workers at 8:30AM

Communion & Liberation 7PM

Wednesdays Dad’s Small Group 8PM
Thursdays OCIA Order of Christian Initiation of Adults 6:30PM
Fridays Coffee Ladies: Every 2nd Friday 9:30AM & every 4th Friday of the month 10:30AM in the Assembly room

Ongoing Stewardship Campaign 2025

Stewardship is about sharing the gifts we’ve received from God. By understanding this, we can find joy in giving.

We give because we’re grateful for what we have.

Our 2024/25 Stewardship Campaign is ongoing. If you haven’t given before or don’t give regularly, now is a great time to start. Even a small contribution can make a big difference.

Pledge or give here to St. Anne.

Pledge or give here to Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We’re excited to share the participation rates for Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne next week as the numbers continue to grow. Don’t forget to check out Brigid’s upcoming monthly financial spotlight for more details.

We pray for

All sick, homebound, and suffering parishioners. We offer our heartfelt prayers for those whom the Lord has called home.


Pope Francis’ November intentions: For anyone who has lost a child

“We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.”

St. Anne Prayers of the Faithful, download here.

Fr. Freitag, or

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, or

Pastoral Associate
Deacon Angus McDonell,

Director of Parish Operations
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Mark Abadir,

Director of Evangelization
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Jessica Harris,

Director of Finance
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Brigid McMahan,

Director of Communications
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Barbara Bumbarger,

Music Director
Charlie Hiestand,

Music Director
Clint Chan,

St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin,

Parish Office Hours Parish Office Hours for Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne 
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM

To visit the SHJ parish office in person, please schedule an appointment.

General Info: or
Phone: SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

The editorial deadline for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.

Images included in the bulletin are not necessarily representative of parishioners or parish locations.