25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Worship Aid, download here
Regular Mass Schedule
Sunday: 11:00AM
Tuesday: 9:00AM
Wednesday: 5:30PM
Friday: 8:45AM
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM
Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.
To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Office, (206) 282-0223
Week at a Glance
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 22
10:00AM Choir Practice in the Church
11:00AM Mass
12:30PM Sacraments – Info Meeting for Parents
Monday, September 23
8:30AM Martha’s Workers
7:00PM Communion & Liberation
Tuesday, September 24
9:00AM Mass
7:00PM Sacraments- Info Meeting for Parents
Wednesday, September 25
5:00PM Confessions
5:30PM Mass
8:00PM Dad’s Small Group
Thursday, September 26
Parish Family all Staff Meeting at Sacred Heart of Jesus – St. Anne Parish office is closed
Friday, September 27
8:45AM Mass
10:30AM Coffee Ladies
Saturday, September 28
3:30PM Confessions
4:30PM Rosary
5:00PM Vigil Mass
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 29
10:00AM Choir Practice
11:00AM Mass
12:30PM Choir Practice
We pray for
Jack Kehl, Judy Higgins, Jeanne Firth, Fredy Villa, Carol Heinicke, Liana Scott, Cheale Villa, Alberto Restrepo, Maurice Krings, and Gabrielle Clune
Molly Malloy †
Orlando Duque †
Pope Francis’ September intentions: For the cry of the Earth
“We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.”
Prayers of the Faithful, download here.
Fr. Freitag, info@stanneseattle.org
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, info@stanneseattle.org
Director of Parish Operations
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Mark Abadir, mabadir@stanneseattle.org
Director of Evangelization
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Jessica Harris, jharris@stanneseattle.org
Director of Finance
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Brigid McMahan, bmcmahan@stanneseattle.org
Director of Communications
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Barbara Bumbarger, bbumbarger@stanneseattle.org
St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin, haustin@stannesea.org
Music Director
Charlie Hiestand, chiestand@stanneseattle.org
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM
General Info: info@stanneseattle.org
Phone: (206) 282-0223
The editorial deadline for the St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.
Images included in the bulletin are not necessarily representative of parishioners or parish locations.