July 12, 2024

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Worship Aid, download here

Regular Mass Schedule
Sunday: 11:00AM
Tuesday: 9:00AM
Wednesday: 5:30PM
Friday: 8:45AM
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM

Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM

Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.

To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Office, (206) 282-0223

Grab Your Name Tag on Your Way into Mass, Let's Get to Know Each Other!

What is happening during the summer?

  • Summer, that usually means to slow down in many parishes and to find some peace and quiet. The summer months are slower, but we are still productive.


  • Partners in the Gospel*: Our new pastor, Fr. Freitag, and our new vicar, Fr. Dominic, have arrived and are settling in. There are many names to learn, key volunteers to meet, and a new staff configuration with different responsibilities to figure out. Mike Borte, our Director of Faith Formation, has also retired. The first staff meetings in the new configuration are taking place, new routines are being established, and everyone is adjusting to the changed schedules for Mass, confession, and the rosary.


  • Name Tag Sunday and Saturday are happening this weekend, on July 13th & 14th. This tradition is well-known to most St. Anne parishioners. It not only provides our priests with an opportunity to learn names but also allows the congregation to grow together.


  • The parish picnic is coming up. Both priests, Fr. Freitag and Fr. Dominic, have been invited. Save the date: Sunday, July 28th, after the 11:00 AM Mass.


  • We will celebrate Mike Borte’s retirement & 66th birthday. Save the date: Saturday, August 3rd.


  • And last but not least: Even the staff needs a break! They’re like rechargeable batteries – except instead of plugging into a wall, they plug into a beach chair.

We hope you all are getting some well-deserved rest and taking extra care, especially during the heat wave.

God bless,

your St. Anne Team

*To learn more about Partners in the Gospel visit: https://archseattle.org/partners/

Annual Catholic Appeal

We’re thrilled to report that the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign is well underway, and our progress has been remarkable! As of July 8, 2024, we’ve achieved 97.5% of our financial goal of $85,617. Additionally, our parish participation stands at 36.5%. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has already contributed!

Now, let’s delve into the significance of this specific ACA campaign for the St. Anne’s Community:

Safeguarding Reserves: Our operating budget doesn’t allow for large-scale projects and last year, we couldn’t allocate any funds to savings. When it comes to significant facility projects—like those proposed for this rebate fund—we’ve had to tap into our reserves. The ACA rebate provides an opportunity to protect these reserves.

Your Crucial Role: St. Anne’s relies on generous donations from our community. We don’t have income-generating sources or leased property to cover expenses. Without your support, there would be no St. Anne’s as we know it. By participating in the ACA, you have a say in prioritizing projects.

Matching Gift Opportunity: We’re excited to announce a matching gift of up to $50,000! Once we achieve our ACA goal, every dollar will be doubled and returned to us, thanks to this year’s additional match.

For more information and to track our progress, please visit our website at https://www.stanneseattle.org/events/giveaca2024/

Thank you for being part of our community and contributing to the success of the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign!
Your St. Anne Parish Team

Save the Date

Donating to St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County is easy and convenient, right here at Our Lady of Fatima Church!

Location: 3218 W Barrett St. Seattle, WA 98199 Date: Sunday, July 21, 2024 Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Your donations will be collected and sold at one of our SVdP Thrift Stores, providing financial support for our various programs dedicated to helping neighbors gain stability and self-sufficiency!

To view a list of items that we accept and DO NOT accept: https://svdpseattle.org/donatetous/homegoods/

St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County thanks you for your generous financial support!

Week at a Glance

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 14
11:00AM Mass (It is name tag Sunday! *)
12:00PM Coffee & Donuts

Monday, July 15
8:30AM Martha’s Workers
7:00PM Communion & Liberation

(The parish office will be closed this Monday)

Tuesday, July 16
9:00AM Mass

Wednesday, July 17
5:00PM Confessions
5:30PM Mass
8:00PM Dad’s Small Group

Thursday, July 18
8:45AM Mass

Friday, July 19
8:45AM Mass

Saturday, July 20
3:30PM Confessions
4:30PM Rosary
5:00PM Vigil Mass

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 21
11:00AM Mass

*Take a name tag as you walk in, so we can get to know each other.

Judy Higgins, Jeanne Firth, Fredy Villa, Carol Heinicke, Liana Scott, Cheale Villa, Wynne Pierret, Alberto Restrepo, Beatrice Van Tulder, Maurice Krings, Roberto Clovis Silva, and Gabrielle Clune

Jean Hushebeck †

Antonie Van Tulder †

Pope Francis’ July intentions: For the pastoral care of the sick

“We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.”

Prayers of the Faithful, download here

Fr. Freitag, info@stanneseattle.org

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, info@stanneseattle.org

Director of Parish Operations
Jessica Harris, jharris@stanneseattle.org

Business Manager
Brigid McMahan, bmcmahan@stanneseattle.org

Communication Manager &
Volunteer Coordinator
Barbara Bumbarger, bbumbarger@stanneseattle.org

St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin, haustin@stannesea.org

Music Director
Charlie Hiestand, chiestand@stanneseattle.org

Parish Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM

General Info: info@stanneseattle.org
Phone: (206) 282-0223

The editorial deadline for the St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.