March 29, 2023

St. Vincent De Paul – A Story of Hope

A 55-year-old single mother who is homeless and addicted to heroin reached out to St. Vincent de Paul for help.  Her addiction story began at Ballard High School, drinking heavily with her schoolmates. That evolved into experimenting with various other drugs. She held various jobs after high school, her favorite being the office administrator at a local cemetery. She found job stability while raising her daughter (now 28 years old) as the fund raiser for her daughter’s sport’s program. As chairwoman, she raised $10,000 annually for the sport teams. Unfortunately, she fell into a downward spiral of relationships with drug addicts which culminated with losing her home and having to move all her belongings into storage. When we spoke she was enroute to a 30-day treatment facility in eastern Washington. She had successfully completed a 7-day detox at Providence, which helped her access this program.  After two weeks of waiting for an opening, she was finally on her way to check in. The treatment program guarantees transitional housing for her upon successful completion of the program, and she is appropriately excited about starting over. She needed $396.20 to prevent her belongings from being sold since she has no income at this point. She will need her belongings when she completes the program and moves into transitional housing. With significant support, her life could change forever. You are part of that support and she thanks you. – Laurie Finn

