Monday, 10/2
+ Partners in the Gospel Listening Session @ 6:00PM in the Church
Tuesday, 10/3
Wednesday, 10/4
+ SCHOOL: Blessing of Animals @ 9:00AM in parking lot
+ Betty Ferguson’s Funeral Mass & Reception @ 10:30AM in the Church
+ Confession @ 5:20PM in the Confessional
+ Mass @ 5:30PM in the Side Chapel
+ Alpha @ 7:00PM in the Narthex
Thursday, 10/5
+ No Confession
+ No Rosary
+ No Mass
Friday, 10/6
+ No Confession
+ No Rosary
+ No Mass
+ SCHOOL: Fall Carnival @ 5:00PM
Saturday, 10/7
+ Patrick McCarthy’s Funeral & Reception @ 11:00AM in the Church
+ Confession @ 3:30PM in Confessional
+ Vigil Mass @ 5:00PM in the Church
+ No St. Vincent de Paul collection as it was taken up last week
Sunday, 10/9
+ Mass with Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ 10:00AM in the Church
+ Coffee & Donuts @ 11:00AM
+ No St. Vincent de Paul collection as it was taken up last week