June 11, 2024

Bon Voyage Father Colin

For the past five years, Fr. Colin has graced our lives with enthusiasm, and unwavering commitment. Let’s come together to celebrate his remarkable journey and the countless blessings he has brought to our parish.

As part of the Partners in the Gospel transition, Fr. Colin will become the new pastor for St. John the Evangelist, St. Alphonsus, and St. Benedict.

His compassionate spirit has touched us all. Whether you’ve known Fr. Colin for years or just met him recently, this is an opportunity to express our gratitude and share in the joy of his pastoral ministry.

RSVP by Tuesday, June 18th here.

How can you be involved?

To make this event a smashing success, we need your help! There are various tasks, like table setting, bringing dessert, and handling cleanup (and more!). If you’re available to contribute your time, please reach out via SignUpGenius.

For financial contributions to Fr. Colins farewell gift, check out our GoFundMe.

And if you have any memories or pictures of Fr. Colin to share, visit us on Kudoboard.

Questions? Feel free to reach out via email: transitionteam@stanneseattle.org

Your Transition Team