November 22, 2024

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Bulletin for Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Confession at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Monday to Friday: 7:30 – 8:00AM & 11:00 – 11:50AM
Sunday: 8:30 – 9:30AM

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
at Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tuesdays after 12PM Mass


Confession at St. Anne 
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30PM
Wednesday: 5:00 – 5:20PM

Rosary at St. Anne
Saturday: 4:30PM
Before Saturday Vigil in the side chapel.

St. Anne Worship Aid, download here

Thanksgiving St. Anne Worship Aid, download here


To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
or a funeral, please call the Parish Offices, SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

Parish Life of Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne

Dear Readers, Parishioners from Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Anne,

At Thanksgiving, we want to pause and thank God for the many gifts He has given. This special day reminds us of how richly we are blessed and how important it is to express our gratitude. In this spirit, we warmly invite you to join our Thanksgiving services in our parish family. Together, we want to thank God for the fruits of the earth and the gifts of life and celebrate the Eucharist. May this Thanksgiving be a time of joy, peace, and gratitude for all of us. We wish you and your loved ones a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

Barbara Bumbarger for the Parish Family Team

Bulletin from our Partner Parish Our Lady of Fatima

Mass Schedule & Mass Intentions

Sat 11/23 5:00PM


St. Anne – Vigil

Our Lady of Fatima – Vigil

For our Parishioners


Sun 11/24 9:00AM




Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus

For our Parishioners





Mon 11/25



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Tue 11/26



St. Anne

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Wed 11/27



Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Thu 11/28

See Thanksgiving Schedule

Fri 11/29




St. Anne

Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Join us for Thanksgiving Mass!

Thanksgiving 11/28 9:00AM



Our Lady of Fatima

Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Anne

Bring the food you plan to enjoy at your Thanksgiving table, and the priest will bless the items during the service. If you are planning to visit Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Thanksgiving Mass, please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Queen Anne food bank after a blessing. For visitors of St. Anne, we will soon have our Giving Tree up, providing an opportunity to give to those less fortunate.

Save the Dates


At the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Location

Sundays Choir Practice 9:15AM

First Communion Preparation 1:00 – 2:00PM

Baptism Class: Every 1st Sunday of the month 2:30 – 3:30PM

Coffee & Donuts: On the 1st and 2nd Advent Sunday!

At the St. Anne Church Location

Sundays Choir Practice 12:30PM

Coffee & Donuts: Canceled on November 24th!

Mondays Martha’s Workers at 8:30AM

Communion & Liberation 7PM

Wednesdays Dad’s Small Group 8PM
Thursdays OCIA Order of Christian Initiation of Adults 6:30PM Canceled due to Thanksgiving!
Fridays Coffee Ladies: Every 2nd Friday 9:30AM & every 4th Friday of the month 10:30AM in the Assembly room


Sacred Heart - Finance Spotlight

Dear Parishioners,

As we approach Thanksgiving and the end of our Stewardship Renewal, I am reflecting on how special of a connection this parish has with Jesus. Honoring His Sacred Heart as we celebrate each mass and especially this feast of Christ the King. As today’s readings say, “His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away.” Hopefully through this and other recent passages we are filled with courage to trust and glorify Him. A way to do this is to show your gratitude for the joy and blessings you have received from God through prayer, volunteer time and sacrificial giving.

Thank you for your continued support,


  • Sacrificial Giving/Stewardship (cash, envelopes, online, holy days): $12,006.42
  • + Other Revenue (candles, donations, socials): $6,745.87
  • =Total REVENUE for the month of October: $18,752.29
  • Less Total EXPENSES for October: $35,068.52
  • Net income (or -Loss) for October: (- $16,316.23)

Income from leasing the school building for October: $30,529.33

Summary for July to October:

    • Total income: $88,139.20 (actual)      $87,466.64 (budget)
    • Total expenses: $153,604.41 (actual)  $193,611.00 (budget)
    • Net income/loss: (-$65,462.21)         (-$106,144.36)
  • Bequests from this time: $12,000


St. Anne - Our Altar of Remembrances

Please note that the Altar of Remembrance will be reverently removed after Mass on Sunday, December 1st.

We kindly ask that you pick up your pictures and remembrances by the end of the first week of December from the side chapel. If you have questions or need any kind of assistance in this regard, please call Carol Ford at 206-819-5032 or the parish office. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who shared pictures and remembrances of their loved ones at our Altar of Remembrance this special month. Your contributions have truly touched our hearts and brought our community closer together.

Thank you once again for allowing us to honor your loved ones in such a meaningful way.

With warm regards,

St. Anne Parishioners


St. Anne School News

You can find all the latest school news right here.

We pray for

We offer our heartfelt prayers for those whom the Lord has called home.

We pray for all sick and homebound parishioners. names prayers for the sick

During the month of November, we offer our prayers for the Souls whose names are in our Books of the Dead.


Pope Francis’ November intentions: For anyone who has lost a child

“We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.”

St. Anne Prayers of the Faithful, download here.

Fr. Freitag, or

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Dominic, or

Pastoral Associate
Deacon Angus McDonell,

Director of Parish Operations
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Mark Abadir,

Director of Evangelization
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Jessica Harris,

Director of Finance
for St. Anne & Sacred Heart
Brigid McMahan,

Director of Communications
for St. Anne, Sacred Heart & Our Lady of Fatima
Barbara Bumbarger,

Music Director
Charlie Hiestand,

Music Director
Clint Chan,

St. Anne School Principal
Heidi Austin,

Parish Office Hours Parish Office Hours for Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne 
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM

To visit the SHJ parish office in person, please schedule an appointment.

General Info: or
Phone: SHJ (206) 284-4680 or StA (206) 282-0223

The editorial deadline for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Anne church bulletin is Wednesdays at noon.

Images included in the bulletin are not necessarily representative of parishioners or parish locations.