St. Anne Faith Formation for Children & Youth
Parent Meeting
Sunday, September 17th, 9:15 AM—Assembly Room
All parents with children ages 4-14 are encouraged to attend our introductory session for our Faith Formation program. We will go over the details of the program and answer any questions. Please join us Sunday in the Assembly room. Please bring your registration form if you have not sent them in. If you di not receive a registration form, please contact Mike— Our program begins on Sunday, September 24th.
Children’s Liturgy Planning Meeting
Sunday, September 17th, 11:15 AM—Assembly Room
We will have a gathering of all those interested in getting our Children’s Liturgy program up and running again. This program takes place during the Readings, Homily, Profession of Faith, & Prayers of the Faithful. This allows the youth to celebrate these parts of the Mass at their own level and for parents to actually focus on these parts without distraction. We need a variety of volunteers to spread out the tasks of this ministry. Hope to see you on Sunday. If you have questions, please contact Mike—